It's worth remembering that the Peers tab of your BitTorrent client provides graphic evidence about why you need to use a VPN when torrenting. It shows you the IP address of every other torrent user who is sharing downloading or seeding a file.
Scary stuff! Port forwarding will probably improve your torrenting speeds, but doing so is most definitely not essential. To find out more about the pros and cons of port forwarding, complete with instructions on how to do it, please see our guide to VPN Port Forwarding.
This is needed to continue, as it will provide us with your original IP address, but we do not retain this information on our servers. Click Yes to move on if your location is correct. Click No if this information is wrong and proceed to choose your location manually. If you see a green checkmark, then that is all there is to it. You are protected as expected. If any issue does appear, however, it is best not to torrent until things have been resolved. Simply checking that you have no IPv4 leaks, as described above, is sufficient to show that your VPN is working properly for torrenting.
If you have a stricter threat model, however, then you can double-check specifically for torrenting using the ipMagnet tool. Visit the ipMagnet web page and click on the Magnet Link to open a dummy torrent download in your BitTorrent client. A few seconds later, you should see the IP address trying to download the dummy torrent file on the ipMagnet web page. There are too many variables in play when it comes to torrent download speeds to isolate the effect using a VPN has on them.
The most important of these are:. Besides that, here are the 10 best tips on how to make uTorrent faster. You are now ready to start downloading torrent files. However, make sure to connect to a VPN server first.
If you'd like some suggestions on where to find torrent files, we have some recommendations for you. Here are the best torrent sites overall. And also, make sure to check these torrent search engines as well. Those would be the seven steps to use uTorrent with a VPN. If you have any questions on your mind, let us know via the comments section below. And finally, thank you for reading! Add a Comment.
This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Clear search input Search. The crackdown was launched by a Toronto law firm on behalf of U. Your actual IP address is replaced with an IP provided by the service. This provides anonymity since the IP in use is not associated with any one person.
As there has been a surge in demand for VPNs, there is no shortage of services to choose from. Luckily even the best VPNs are affordable, so there is no reason to go for anything less than top-notch.
Read full reviews of the best VPN providers here. These are currently among the top choices out there:. ISPs and corporations with copyrights to protect have a very dim view of torrent use. Downloaders are treated with the same suspicion whether their activity is legitimate or not. This is yet another reason to consider employing a VPN for all your internet use. This file is then pulled in bits from the swarm. By doing this, pulling the data down in bits from multiple sources, the files are downloaded faster and less strain is put on the network versus if you downloaded from a single server.
This makes for easy pickings if any hackers are lurking around. All they have to do is copy your IP and then they can get you into all kinds of trouble. Robot, right? Put that way, using a VPN becomes a no brainer , right? This is the 1 thing that convinced me to start using one in the first place. In a word, no — You cannot download pirated software, music, film, and media without breaking the law — but everybody knows this.